Jeddah which is also known as Bride of the Red Sea and also considered as the second largest city of Saudi Arabia, located at the eastern coast of Red Sea. Jeddah is considered as the most ancient cities of Middle-East. History of Jeddah dates back to around 647 AD. Meaning of the city name is ancestor of women and you will also find the Eve Cave which is considered as the habitat of Eve who was the first women sent on earth by God. But in today’s world the city has changed itself into a well developed and modern city which also reflects the picture of old history. You can get much information from the Old city of Jeddah. Jeddah Travel Guide will give you even minute information about the places you must visit.
During 1940s the famous walls of the Old City were destroyed but now most of the places are preserved and protected so that they can retain charm of older history. You will find the Old city located at the downtown of Jeddah. During the construction of old buildings corals reefs from the Red Sea were used which reflects true architectural wonders. The architecture of the building can be explained as it is built with embedded wooden beams and hanging balconies. Many of the houses of this Old City have been renovated but some of them are not in good conditions as they have a history of long period back. Naseef House and Sharbatly House, these two buildings have been re constructed and opened for tourists to visit. These houses are of rich families which also have some traces of rich past of this Old City.
Opposite to National Commercial Bank headquarters you will find the Municipality Museum which is the only building sustained from the period of British legation since the time of First World War. This museum displays the full history of this place. Some of the other museums have been re constructed in traditional style which gives a true reflection of this ancient city which is filled with rich history.