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Al Handasa Square in Jeddah

By Sara Branson, Posted on 01 Jul, 2021 at 12:00 am

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Another name of Jeddah is Bride of the Red Sea because it is located at the eastern coast of Red Sea. Jeddah has become the hub of commercial and tourism of Saudi Arabia. To reach holy cities of Mecca and Madina you have to enter and move forward through this gateway. Number of pilgrims comes here every year to perform the Holy occasion of Hajj. You will find both in the city, the ancient structure and traditions as well as modern development. Due to this mixture of old and new age many tourists are attracted to this city. Jeddah Travel guide will provide you much information about the various places one should visit etc. one  of the most popular attractions are  Al-Handasa Square in Jeddah which hold the top position amongst all.

To reduce congestion and crowd and to offer convenience, the roads and squared are intersected in Jeddah. Al Handasa is the most busiest and crowded and most popular road junction in the city.  During 1986 AD this Al-Handasa Square was built which have covered approximately 4000 sq meter of area.  You will also find some large geometrical tools built in the middle of the square such as a compass, a triangle, a protractor and a ruler. These geometric tools are considered as the largest of their kind all over the world. The compass is so huge that it has also written its name in Guinness Book of World Records. Weight is about 66 tons of this Al-Handasa Square which is considered as very heavy weight.

One this model ruler, a Quranic proverb is written on that ruler which is, ""He has taught man that which he knew not"". Which is considered as the amazing art and crafted structure of the Al-Handasa Square which gives everyone a lesson that human capability is beyond measurement and imagination?

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